
感恩篇 :至1000个订阅者,谢谢你们!
To 1,000 subscribers, thank you!






而双溪大年不是旅游胜地,很难吸引外地游客到来, 自然美食也少人关注了。所以当时小猫也有点犹豫了,想着要继续拍美食或者要转拍其他项目视频。






Today, SP Exploring Street Food has reached 1000 subscribers. My idea of shooting videos in the beginning of November last year was just to promote Sungai Petani delicious food to more people. At the beginning, there was not much support and subscription from people, but fortunately, with the support of some friends, a hundred episodes of food video were shot. Basically, with a 100 episodes of food video, the number of views and the number of subscribers were actually unsatisfactory, and the street food in Sungai Petani almost finished shot. Frankly speaking, Sungai Petani is a small place with only few delicious food to choose. So, every day one food video, it didn’t take long to finish, right? Furthermore, Sungai Petani delicious food hardly attract more people because it is not a tourist destination. So I am a little hesitant at that time, thinking about continuing to shoot food or to change to other project videos. At this time, because of the Covid 19 MCO, no one can go out, and many hawkers and restaurants were closed. So I took this opportunity to think it over. During this period, I tried to shoot videos of my home cooking, going shopping, etc., but the results were not very good. Finally, my new attempt to shoot a banknotes and coins collection video have brought a lot of people to watch and subscribe. The number of subscribers had increased from 700 to 1,000 within 2 weeks. This result is incredible! Although the banknotes and coins collection video received a good response and feedback from more people, I still do not forget my original intention. If there is a delicious food in Sungai Petani, I am very happy to shoot a video to promote.

Thank you for your support, and don’t forget to thank those bosses for their hospitality. thanks!

Subscribe Youtube Channel订阅视频 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV9F61oeEWb21Rf4WiTMwBw
Like Facebook Page点赞面子书专页: https://www.facebook.com/xiaomaotandian/
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/spmyfood/
Youtube video : https://youtu.be/lRKtghjHBaw

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